UPA CityLine Illustration
L'Union des Producteurs Agricoles du Québec (UPA) commissioned Loogart to illustrate their 2015 Portes Ouvertes event in the CityLine style while keeping the UPA brand. This design was produced into marketing outreach posters, apparel and a TV commercial aired to all of the Quebec Provice.

2016 Edition
The 2016 edition was updated by Loogart since the Portes Ouvertes event moved from the Parc Jean-Drapeau to Parc Olympique. More emphasis was visually added to the Olympic Stadium and the design was slightly simplified. Event website features the design.

TV Commercial
The TV commercial airs on television and on Youtube several weeks prior to the event to create event awareness. Animation and videography by OneChuck Productions.
UPA Portes Ouvertes 2016 from oneChuck Productions on Vimeo.
On the streets
The CityLine designs were transformed into posters and featured on the UPA's Portes Ouvertes website since 2015.